Ajattelin aloittaa blogin pitämisen terhakkaasti haastella, jossa sitoudun päivittämään kuulumisia 30 päivän ajan ja aivan joka päivä. Löysin haasteen pandaun blogista, joten myös hänen vastauksiaan aion pitää mielenkiinnosta silmällä.
Tässä ovat nuo 30 päivän puheenaiheet.
30 Day Weight Loss Challenge
Day One- Your stats
Day Two- How tall are you? Do you like your height?
Day Three- A picture of your thinsperation. What features do you like about this person?
Day Four- Your greatest fears about weight loss.
Day Five- Why do you really want to lose this weight? Are you doing it for you?
Day Six- Do you binge? If so, explain why you think you do.
Day Seven- Do your parents know you’re trying to lose weight? Do they care?
Day Eight- Your workout routine.
Day Nine- Did people ever make comments about your weight in a negative way?
Day Ten- What was the hardest thing you gave up during this “weight loss.”
Day Eleven- Your favorite thinspo blog and why!
Day Twelve- What do you normally eat?
Day Thirteen- Are you losing weight in a healthy or unhealthy way?
Day fourteen- What’s your UGW? When you expect to reach it?
Day Fifteen- Are you vegan or vegetarian? If so, has this helped you lose weight? If not, would you ever consider turning vegan or vegetarian?
Day Sixteen- When did you first decide to lose weight?
Day Seventeen- Do you have an eating disorder?
Day Eighteen- What food is your weakness?
Day Nineteen- When is the last time you ate fast food?
Day Twenty- Favorite diet?
Day Twenty-One- What are your clothing sizes?
Day Twenty-Two- What was your lowest weight? How and why did you gain?
Day Twenty-Three- Did the media play a role in your wanting to lose weight?
Day Twenty-Four- How do you feel about the terms pro-ana/pro-mia
Day Twenty-Five- Have you ever purged? If you have describe your first experience.
Day Twenty-Six- What excites you most about reaching your ugw?
Day Twenty-Seven- How do you deal with being around food?
Day Twenty-Eight- Do you want that “gap” between your legs? Why?
Day Twenty-Nine- Your definition of beauty.
Day Thirty- 10 facts about you! And now, what are your stats?
Day Two- How tall are you? Do you like your height?
Day Three- A picture of your thinsperation. What features do you like about this person?
Day Four- Your greatest fears about weight loss.
Day Five- Why do you really want to lose this weight? Are you doing it for you?
Day Six- Do you binge? If so, explain why you think you do.
Day Seven- Do your parents know you’re trying to lose weight? Do they care?
Day Eight- Your workout routine.
Day Nine- Did people ever make comments about your weight in a negative way?
Day Ten- What was the hardest thing you gave up during this “weight loss.”
Day Eleven- Your favorite thinspo blog and why!
Day Twelve- What do you normally eat?
Day Thirteen- Are you losing weight in a healthy or unhealthy way?
Day fourteen- What’s your UGW? When you expect to reach it?
Day Fifteen- Are you vegan or vegetarian? If so, has this helped you lose weight? If not, would you ever consider turning vegan or vegetarian?
Day Sixteen- When did you first decide to lose weight?
Day Seventeen- Do you have an eating disorder?
Day Eighteen- What food is your weakness?
Day Nineteen- When is the last time you ate fast food?
Day Twenty- Favorite diet?
Day Twenty-One- What are your clothing sizes?
Day Twenty-Two- What was your lowest weight? How and why did you gain?
Day Twenty-Three- Did the media play a role in your wanting to lose weight?
Day Twenty-Four- How do you feel about the terms pro-ana/pro-mia
Day Twenty-Five- Have you ever purged? If you have describe your first experience.
Day Twenty-Six- What excites you most about reaching your ugw?
Day Twenty-Seven- How do you deal with being around food?
Day Twenty-Eight- Do you want that “gap” between your legs? Why?
Day Twenty-Nine- Your definition of beauty.
Day Thirty- 10 facts about you! And now, what are your stats?
Ensimmäiseen kohtaan kirjoitan vastaukset illalla kotona, kunhan olen saanut mittanauhan kaivettua ompelupakista esiin. Viisaampien esimerkistä aion minäkin luottaa ennemmin mittanauhan tuloksiin kuin vaa'an heilahteluihin. Koko ikäni olen pompannut vaa'assa vain pettyäkseni päivittäisiin heilahteluihin, jotka ovat joka kerta syösseet meikäläisen takaisin luovuttamiseen ja uudelleen lihomiseen. Nyt tuo vaaka saa pysyä koskemattomana. Käyn puntarissa vain harvakseltaan (ehkä parin viikon tai kuukauden välein).
Tsemppiä urakkaan! :)
VastaaPoistaTsempit, jään seuraamaan! Tuota samaa haastetta voisin kokeilla itsekin jossain vaiheessa.
VastaaPoistaKiitos tsempityksestä! Tämä haaste saattaa olla räätälöity vähän nuoremmille / nuorekkaimmille ihmisille kuin meikäläiselle.. päätellen joistakin kysymyksistä kuten "oletko kertonut laihduttamisestasi isille ja äidille?" Noh, näillä mennään ;)
VastaaPoistaHeippa! Hurjasti tsemppiä haasteeseen! Jään ehdottomasti seuraamaan, sillä itsekkin aloitin juuri elämäntaparemontin! Saatan ryöstää tämän haasteen sinulta jossain vaiheessa. :))
VastaaPoistaJos kiinnostaa niin tervetuloa seuraamaan minun blogiani omasta projektistani. :))
Hei! Ja kiitos kommentista, ne piristävät kummasti :-)
PoistaTulen ehdottomasti vierailemaan blogissasi, joten keep up the good work!